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Manufacturing Code of Conduct

Showers Pass Code of Conduct for Manufacturers

Our Code of Conduct for Manufacturers sets forth the minimum requirements for manufacturers of our products with respect to labor standards and working conditions.  

 At Showers Pass, we are committed to: 

  • Ethical and responsible conduct in all of our business operations
  • Respect for the rights of all individuals
  • Respect for natural resources and the environment

We expect these same commitments to be shared by all manufacturers of Showers Pass Apparel and merchandise. At a minimum, we require that all manufacturers of Showers Pass products meet the following standards:

Documentation and Inspection

Manufacturers must provide our representatives with unrestricted access, without advance notice, to all factory premises and employees as well as to all documents relevant in determining whether it is in compliance with these Standards and all applicable laws and regulations.

Employees Are age 16 or Older

Manufacturers employees are 16 or over the age for completion of compulsory education or country legal working age, whichever is higher.  Employees under 18 are not employed in hazardous conditions

Employment is Voluntary

Manufacturers will not use any forced or involuntary labor, whether prison, bonded, indentured or otherwise. 

Non-Use of Coercion and Harassment

Manufacturers will treat each employee with dignity and respect, and provide work environments that are free of physical, sexual, psychological and verbal harassment and abuse, retribution for grievances, and corporal punishment.


Manufacturers will not discriminate in hiring and employment practices, including salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement on the basis of race, religion, gender, marital status, capacity to bear children, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social or ethnic origin or other status of the individual unrelated to the ability to perform the job.

Freedom of Association

Manufacturers will respect the rights of employees to associate, organize and bargain collectively in a lawful and peaceful manner, without penalty or interference. 

Health and Safety

Manufacturers will provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, ensuring at a minimum reasonable access to potable water and sanitary facilities; fire safety; and adequate lighting and ventilation. Manufacturers will also ensure that the same standards of health and safety are applied in any housing that they provide for employees. 

Fair Compensation

We expect manufacturers to recognize that wages are essential to meeting employees’ basic needs. Manufacturers will, at a minimum, comply with all applicable wage and hour laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime, maximum hours, piece rates and other elements of compensation, and provide legally mandated benefits.

Hours of Work

Except in extraordinary business circumstances, employees shall not be required to work more than the lesser of 48 hours per week and 12 hours overtime or the limits on regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country of factory or, where the laws of such country do not limit the hours of work, the regular work week in such country plus 12 hours overtime and be entitled to at least one day off in every seven day period. 

Overtime Compensation

Manufacturers will compensate employees for overtime hours at such premium rate as is legally required or, if there is no legally prescribed premium rate, at a rate at least equal to the regular hourly compensation rate. 

Where local industry standards are higher than applicable legal requirements, we expect manufacturers to meet the higher standards. 

Protection of the Environment

Partners shall strive to minimize the negative impact of operations on the environment to the greatest extent possible and comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.  Partners must also follow the rules in our Restricted Substance List that bans the use of harmful chemicals in our products.

Other Laws

Manufacturers will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those pertaining to the manufacture, pricing, sale and distribution of merchandise. All references to “applicable laws and regulations” in this Code of Conduct include local and national codes, rules and regulations as well as applicable treaties and voluntary industry standards. 


Manufacturers will not use subcontractors for the manufacture of Showers Pass merchandise or components thereof without Showers Pass’ express written consent, and only after the subcontractor has entered into a written commitment with Showers Pass to comply with this Code of Conduct. 

Monitoring and Compliance

Manufacturers will authorize Showers Pass and its designated agents (including third parties) to engage in monitoring activities to confirm compliance with this Code of Conduct, including unannounced on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities and employer-provided housing; reviews of books and records relating to employment matters; and private interviews with employees. Manufacturers will maintain on site all documentation that may be needed to demonstrate compliance with this Code of Conduct. 


Manufacturers will take appropriate steps to ensure that the provisions of this Code of Conduct are communicated to employees, including the prominent posting of a copy of this Code of Conduct, in the local language and in a place readily accessible to employees, at all times. 




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